The budgets for Technology Transition projects are anticipated to be up to Rs. 30 million, with a maximum project duration of 1-2 years. Industry co-financing must equal at least 50% of the funding requested from Ignite for the academic portion of the collaboration. Greater amounts of industry co-financing are encouraged. Budget requests should be consistent with the proposed research and development activities. The grant awards will be made and administered through the lead partner institution. The project budget can finance the following activities:

⦁ Salaries for PI and co-PIs based on the amount of time spent on the project
⦁ Stipends for bachelors, masters, doctoral students and post-doctoral scholars to conduct the research and innovation activities
⦁ Travel to national and international meetings to present research results obtained and in support of the proposed research
⦁ Processing fee for open access journals for disseminating research results obtained
⦁ Patent filing
⦁ The purchase and maintenance of appropriate, approved equipment and supplies to conduct the research proposed
⦁ Producing licensing agreements
⦁ Legal and financial investment advice
⦁ Marketing of the prototype or proposed product to appropriate investors or stakeholders
⦁ Institutional overheads